Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Pure rock

No rock is more pure than the product 2 brothers shredding on string instruments.
For more autoharp magic check my picture gallery [possibly the largest collection of people playing autoharp in the same night]


Here is a double-faceted post about violence.

First of all, hockey is the game of my country. He shoots he scores!~!!! C'est le but!!!
It is the only profesional sport that allows fighting (besides boxing and all that shit [not convinced boxing is a sport, to me sport implies intelligence and smashing/getting smashed for the entertainment of others is not intelligent]). I am way better at verbal tangents than with mathematical ones.

My fellow countrymen are convinced that fighting is a vital part of the game. I have questioned it time and time again but people are convinced it's part of the game. I don't think it has to be. The point of hockey is to win. Winning is accomplished by sliding a cylinder of rubber into a net. So far it's lots of fun. I realize the need to protect the really talented players and approve of physical contact, but bare knuckle boxing is beyond me. The game stops, the referees wait until the fight slows down, then the players get penalties. What a waste of fucking time (in my mind). I get charged with assault if i do it in the real world. Are hockey players beyond the law?

Rotate many degrees

At what point does killing an animal stop being violence and start being food. Here is the process : Shoot animal, remove the internal organs, remove the skin, slice it into more manageable pieces, remove undesirable parts, slice into freezable parts, freeze, thaw, prepare, cook, chew, swallow, soak in stomach bile, run through intestines......I'll stop here because the rest is obvious. I think the whole thing is violent, so is decomposition.

Back in black

Oh yah the pink is now part of the past fading...fading...can't believe it lasted that long. I have been mostly drunk for the past 5 days and am surprised i didn't blog-under the influence. I hope that never becomes a crime. So now instead of doing homework i am blogging. I just remembered this postsecret thing i made but never sent in because it's not quite honest. Voilà!!!
For those of you who aren't familiar with http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ it's a site (sight??) that accepts images with short sentences. It's very meaningful/modern art. Anonymously sharing your best/worst (sometimes the distinction is not clear) secret. Anyways I put myself into the shoes of someone who invented a tragedy just so that he could feel accepted and loved by his anonymous online friends. I inverted the background because it's more savage and depressing. Afterwards he gets really depressed because he lied and this is his stab at redemption. On a more personal note, I wish I could take myself seriously enough to have a deep dark secret. My seemingly eternal love/hate relationship with being inconsequential is fun but irresponsible.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Blogservations (beyond lame)

I don't know much about psycology. As a potential scientist I try to make a lot of observations.
Observation # 1:
My rhetoric is way too full of the word I. Perhaps i am egocentric (i hate that word sooo much)

Observation # 2:
If i write about something emotional, social or cute, females will comment. If i write something abstract and a little more scientific, males dominate.

Observation # 3:
Most random blogs are pure shit. A lot of people just have nothing to say!!!

Observation #4:
Random people usually comment on religious blogs.

Observation #5:
Most people write their blogs hoping that someone will comment. I have run across little to no blogs that are journal-style.

Observation #6:
The best blogs are not too long and very hard hitting.

Observation #7:
Not all AA size batteries are created equal

Observation #8:
A minority Conservative government makes me feel like a small time criminal.


Here is the post where i tell you that an adult male gorilla is estimated to be twice the weight of a successfull bodybuilder and 10 times as strong. A chimp weighs less and is 5 times stronger. Read this article.


I only liked the part about neanderthals. Basically what i got out of it was that we are scavengers and our best skill is escape. That is why swimming and running are probably the only good exercises for humans. That is all i have to say about that, just thought it was a nice article that promoted being a scrawny dude.

What I really wanted to discuss was modern woman's love of men with big muscles. Aside from the physical attraction, i think woman is attracted to a muscled stud for protection. While this might seem logical, further inspection shows it to be ridiculous. Statistically, any woman has a much higher chance of being attacked by her muscled man than by a stranger. Therefore a woman would be better off with a scrawny dude who will have a much harder time beating her up. Does this make sense


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Interpretation of lyrics

"the sun came up with no conclusions "

This line is from a Bright Eyes song, another really sensitive guy. I'd just like to see some interpretations of this line.

It could mean that time alone does not solve your problems.
It could mean that the final truth will not be discovered by analysing what we perceive with our senses.

New blog

As you can see, my blog is now pink. I guess i needed to get in touch with my feminine side. It might not last long.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Brain function + instructions manual

Lately i've made a deal with myself that i have to listen to the 2000 mp3's on my computer that i have never given a chance. Thats about 25% of my collection. The Butt Trumpets started singing a song entitled "Read the Fucking Manual" which immediately made me think of the quote "when all else fails, read the instruction manual". I first heard this quote from either my dad or brother, but it's always been very true. I hate instruction manuals and use them as a last resort.

Anyways thinking of instruction manual's made me think of a book i read a while back entitled "The Dark Fields" by Alan Glyn. The basic premise of this book is one man with the perfect drug unleashed in manhattan. Some would call it a thriller, i would call it fucking enjoyable. At one point in the book the main character thinks about his personal instruction manual and how life would be much easier if he had one from the start.

My first reaction was to try and figure out what would be in mine. Would it be stuff like "Model 238328-1984 likes to run up stairs and write blogs". Or would it be "if you marinate model 238328-1984 long enough in gin, he turns into a monster". Then i realized that i didn't want an instruction manual, because i have so much fun figuring these things out. However it seems like i should write one for the people, since so much of communication is dedicated to learning about the instruction manuals of other people. But then again i'm lazy and failed the only technical writing class i ever took (on a technicality self-evaluations are retarded).

Sorry about the shitty post guys, i've been scattered and hopefully writing this down will focus me and get me ready for the vball game tonight1
here are some awesome websites (thanks to Andrew and Wilson)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

New years

Here is a very late new years blog, i just remembered it. I refuse to write belat*d because i think it's very depressing. More to the point, my yearly cycle is may-may. January never feels like a new beginning for me. May is the time for me to shine.

The art of cleanliness

Being clean is considered by many to be the most important thing around. No one will openly admit to enjoying cleaning and it is universally thought of as “work” instead of “play”. I have noticed that most people that are really clean are the same people that are short on hobbies. They need something to do so they clean. Cleaning gives people a sense of accomplishment and for some it is undeniably good. It also gives people a good chance to get mad at other people for not being clean. Personally i enjoy a bit of dirt, it's more healthy and leaves me with more leisure time. Wow this blog is barely coherent! Better cut it off before it grows into something foul and putrid (ex: The Great Unclean One [pictured below])


Monday, January 16, 2006

Hilary Duff

Well I hate to say it, but i was quite impressed at the Hilary Duff concert. Despite the fact that she seemed sick, she rocked the house surprisingly hard. Arriving at the concert, the first thought that struck my mind was "when in rome, do as the romans do". In this context it was more like "when at the hilary duff concert, party like a 12 year old girl".

Oh Hilary, if only i had backstage passes

Me and Julie rocking out!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Summer 2006

I realize the summer is still far, but i have been putting a lot of thought into what i should do this summer. I basically have 2 main options. The first options involves going into the beautiful mountains of B.C and planting trees all summer. This savage existence has been my primary source of money for the past couple years. I know i can make more money planting tree's than doing anything else at this point in my life. My second option is to apply for a job doing fieldwork in geophysics, which is supposed to be my career at this point in time. The money would probably be decent and i'm sure i would learn a lot. I realize that in terms of a career, applying for a geophysics job would be better, but there is some mysterious and powerful force that is pulling me towards the planting option. hmmmmm

Monday, January 09, 2006

Am I real?

yes of course i'm real, i wasn't created by the government to blog. And to those of you wondering where i get it from, here is the best picture ever taken of me.

On a side note today, i realized that people love...Love...LOVE, watching presents being opened.

Almost more then anything else

It's almost better than opening one yourself.

Plasma Tv Blues Pt. 2

Well after a weekend of watching quite a bit of TV, I have come to realize that my lack of exposure to it contributes to my positive attitude. It seemed that a large percentage (75%+) of the material shown was very depressing. For example I finally saw CSI (after many recommendations) and it was very nice and scientific, but very depressing. I did not really enjoy watching a rogue sex-change surgeon who operated in a storage shed and had patients dying in the middle of the procedure. VERY GRAPHIC. Other then that, I watched shows about the extinction of animals, many heartbreaks, saw a little boy who was killed, people crying because of a mine incident. There is no balance. The only happy shows were infomercials and sporting events (mmmmmmdog racing). That being said, I have been thinking of shock value a lot lately. For example, I find the song “Dance with the Devil” by Immortal Technique to be the one of the most savage and shocking tunes out there. At first I though it would be good if everyone heard this but am no longer convinced. Listen to the tune (warning: extremely explicit, might make you cry), watch CSI. I found both equally shocking but for some reason CSI is infinitely more socially acceptable and broadcast on all TV networks. The song would never be played on any radio station and Wal-Mart would never sell it. Any comments would be appreciated, as I am very confused on the concept of SHOCK VALUE.

Butter Fox

Here is the first known sighting of the elusive and unique butterfox. The photograph was taken by a mysterious man named Weapon_O. Look for it in local publications.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Just curious

What is the next step in human evolution
Thicker skin
Bigger brain
Smaller brain
Fuck evolution
Extra limbs
Organ sensitive to other wavelengths of energy (gamma rays, radar, radio etc..)
Genetic manipulation will take the place of evolution


Free polls from Pollhost.com

New animal

Well it turns out that all i remember from my magnificent dream last night is the blueprint for the best animal. I challenge any artists to draw a picture of it, because all i have is a mental picture, and i'm sure it'll fade. It's basically a cross between a fox and a butterfly i don't even remember if it had wings. I was chasing it all night and it convinced me that my alarm clock was just my pager, causing me to miss my first class today and also indirectly causing me to stub my toe really badly on a guitar case, hopefully i won't die from my injuries.