Monday, March 03, 2008

The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel & telecasters

The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel & telecasters

Just when I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, i'm realizing that I'm probably in the wrong tunnel. Today I hand in my thesis, next month I get my university degree and the month after that i'll be in a far off land measuring potential fields for rich people who want to dig gigantic holes in the earth and use the contents of the holes to build all sorts of wonderful things. I'm not opposed to the mining industry or any of that, I'd just rather be making music. I keep telling myself that I'll take a year off someday to give it a shot, but at this rate I'll be thirty years old and regretting that I was a slave to money when I didn't really need that much of it.
Theres the added complication that my job will take me to all corners of the world and give my tonnes of adventures to write songs about.

At the end of the day i'm just a bit frustrated because I have all sorts of awesome songs and ideas that just need to be polished a little bit. I just don't have the 8 hours a day required to get my music to the level I want.

On a side note, I desperately want a telecaster after watching Grant Siemens (Corb Lund and the Hurtin' Albertans) and the guitar player from Hayes Carll wail on them for 3 hours straight last night


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