Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The art of cleanliness

Being clean is considered by many to be the most important thing around. No one will openly admit to enjoying cleaning and it is universally thought of as “work” instead of “play”. I have noticed that most people that are really clean are the same people that are short on hobbies. They need something to do so they clean. Cleaning gives people a sense of accomplishment and for some it is undeniably good. It also gives people a good chance to get mad at other people for not being clean. Personally i enjoy a bit of dirt, it's more healthy and leaves me with more leisure time. Wow this blog is barely coherent! Better cut it off before it grows into something foul and putrid (ex: The Great Unclean One [pictured below])



Blogger mi said...

i like to clean only when i'm procrastinating...

my room's usually spotless around exam time..

3:39 PM  
Blogger Oreo said...

I'm the same as Mi, I clean when I have more important things to do!

...I think 'the great unclean one' needs to put cleaning at the top of his 'to do' list

9:32 AM  

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