Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Blogservations (beyond lame)

I don't know much about psycology. As a potential scientist I try to make a lot of observations.
Observation # 1:
My rhetoric is way too full of the word I. Perhaps i am egocentric (i hate that word sooo much)

Observation # 2:
If i write about something emotional, social or cute, females will comment. If i write something abstract and a little more scientific, males dominate.

Observation # 3:
Most random blogs are pure shit. A lot of people just have nothing to say!!!

Observation #4:
Random people usually comment on religious blogs.

Observation #5:
Most people write their blogs hoping that someone will comment. I have run across little to no blogs that are journal-style.

Observation #6:
The best blogs are not too long and very hard hitting.

Observation #7:
Not all AA size batteries are created equal

Observation #8:
A minority Conservative government makes me feel like a small time criminal.


Blogger KateOnTheGo said...

Should I comment on this? Because really, this is the kind of post men would usually comment about....?



9:27 PM  
Blogger Louis said...


This is the kind of post that no one usually comments on. Blogging is taking over my life i just can't stop.

9:32 PM  
Blogger mi said...

i was hoping sudoku's took over as well... but i guess blogging wins.

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Observation 1.1
You can only see the world from your own point of view...so that would account for the pervasive use of "I".

Observation 2.1
Very true...

Observation 5.1
This is what I also found. I find it annoying to write *for* people when my blog was meant to be for me. Thus...(and answering your question as to why you don't find many journal-blogs)...mine is private, comment-free, and inaccessible through random searches. ;)

Observation 8.1
Being in an overwhelmingly Conservative riding with more conservative principles than most others makes me feel ashamed :P

11:34 PM  
Blogger Oreo said...

In regards to why blogs are not really journal style and people write with the hopes of getting someone to comment...

the way I see it is if you are writing something private, that you dont want people to comment on, then why would you put it online? Why wouldn't you write it in a journal, or write it and save it on a file on your computer? If you dont want anyone to acknowledge yoru work why would you put it out there???

12:18 PM  
Blogger KateOnTheGo said...

Exactly, Oreo.

Internet is all about random, mass exposure.

Get a journal.

I have one.

I wrote all of my personal thoughts there.

My blog is one step towards my attempt to rule the world.


2:20 PM  
Blogger mi said...

hmmmm... i write in this journal titled "voyages of the soul"... that's the sequel to my "the road less traveled by"...

3:49 PM  
Blogger mi said...

hey dude. i've missed u.

where the heck have u been hiding?

11:58 PM  

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