Thursday, January 19, 2006

Brain function + instructions manual

Lately i've made a deal with myself that i have to listen to the 2000 mp3's on my computer that i have never given a chance. Thats about 25% of my collection. The Butt Trumpets started singing a song entitled "Read the Fucking Manual" which immediately made me think of the quote "when all else fails, read the instruction manual". I first heard this quote from either my dad or brother, but it's always been very true. I hate instruction manuals and use them as a last resort.

Anyways thinking of instruction manual's made me think of a book i read a while back entitled "The Dark Fields" by Alan Glyn. The basic premise of this book is one man with the perfect drug unleashed in manhattan. Some would call it a thriller, i would call it fucking enjoyable. At one point in the book the main character thinks about his personal instruction manual and how life would be much easier if he had one from the start.

My first reaction was to try and figure out what would be in mine. Would it be stuff like "Model 238328-1984 likes to run up stairs and write blogs". Or would it be "if you marinate model 238328-1984 long enough in gin, he turns into a monster". Then i realized that i didn't want an instruction manual, because i have so much fun figuring these things out. However it seems like i should write one for the people, since so much of communication is dedicated to learning about the instruction manuals of other people. But then again i'm lazy and failed the only technical writing class i ever took (on a technicality self-evaluations are retarded).

Sorry about the shitty post guys, i've been scattered and hopefully writing this down will focus me and get me ready for the vball game tonight1
here are some awesome websites (thanks to Andrew and Wilson)


Blogger mi said...

hmm.. i wonder what things MY instruction manual would say..

good thought louis.

3:37 PM  

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