Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Back in black

Oh yah the pink is now part of the past fading...fading...can't believe it lasted that long. I have been mostly drunk for the past 5 days and am surprised i didn't blog-under the influence. I hope that never becomes a crime. So now instead of doing homework i am blogging. I just remembered this postsecret thing i made but never sent in because it's not quite honest. VoilĂ !!!
For those of you who aren't familiar with http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ it's a site (sight??) that accepts images with short sentences. It's very meaningful/modern art. Anonymously sharing your best/worst (sometimes the distinction is not clear) secret. Anyways I put myself into the shoes of someone who invented a tragedy just so that he could feel accepted and loved by his anonymous online friends. I inverted the background because it's more savage and depressing. Afterwards he gets really depressed because he lied and this is his stab at redemption. On a more personal note, I wish I could take myself seriously enough to have a deep dark secret. My seemingly eternal love/hate relationship with being inconsequential is fun but irresponsible.


Blogger Oreo said...

Yeah the black seems to suit your topics more than the pink.

Nice little project you came up with for postsecret...

9:36 AM  
Blogger Louis said...

Are you saying that i am a dark person aka a pessimist?

8:33 PM  
Blogger Louis said...

hahah i am very flattered
being a scorpio is hard but fun

9:18 PM  
Blogger Oreo said...

I'm with nikki--you give out the whole mysterious kinda vibe...then again, I dont think you're misunderstood, I think you just like to argue against everyone and everything...even if it's not something you really care about. You like to argue just for the sake of arguing....

1:39 PM  

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