Monday, October 13, 2008

Questionnaire/Interview with myself

**Originally posted July 17th 2007

80 % of notes on facebook are questionnaires. It's an awkward (i thought it was spelled ackward hmmmmm) word to write down. The facebook spellcheck doesn't recognize facebook as a word. Anyways, i've decided to make my own questionnaire because all the others are so lame.

1) When is the last time you spent money?
June 21st, i bought some books, pizza and silicon waterproofing spray. And i think i bought a beer on the plane.

2)When is the next time you will spend money? 
Probably on thursday

3) Are all your facebook albums pictures of you and your friends wasted?

4) Have you ever been charged by a muskox

5) Please write down your last 3 epiphanies
i) it's spelled awkward not ackward
ii) everyone is obsessed with themselves
iii) eating slowly is an art

6) Do you ever try to speak to animals in their own language?

7) Do you walk or run up stairs?
In general i like to run up the stairs, but if I have company on the stairs, i tend to match their speed.

8) Have you been accused of any crimes lately?
yes, i've been accused of kidnapping and sodomizing a garden gnome

9) If you could augment any of your senses, which one would you pick and why?
Tough question, probably my eyes because i'm a visual boy in a visual word. ALthough ears are a STRONG second and possibly even first because i really like sounds. On a side note, if growing wings is considered to be a sense, i would pick that.

10) Name some skills that you would like to add to your palette
i) climbing gigantic trees
ii) fly fishing
iii) playing the spoons
iv) eating slowly and TASTING the food
v) recognizing different helicopters from their sound
vi) gold panning

11) In 1 words, describe what you think is missing from the world

12) When is the last time you were really pissed off?
about a month ago while planting trees, the elastic chord on my silvicool bag was caught on a branch. Planters will understand.

13) Tell me about love
Theres all kinds of love : real love, fake love, green love, red love, fast love, slow love, you lie to make me feel better about myself love, oh my god that dog is so cute love, love on the dance floor, ocean love, river love, universal love, unconditional love, slightly conditional love, highly conditional love, i'm so drunk i can't even speak love, i'm lonely and your convenient love, i'm high on ectasy love, love that comes from the core of the earth, love that comes from outer space, love like a snowflake that melts in your hand the second you catch it, you are just out of my reach love, everyone loves chips, we just shared a near-life experience love etc.... Hopefully we all get to sample many of these before we die.

14) Do you believe in magic?
Depends on your definition of magic, but in general - yes.

15) One complaint about yourself?
I let people get away with being phony assholes a bit too much. THis is a question of integrity. I'm working on it

16) Do you think it's better to make one person feel much better or to make many people feel a bit better?
i don't know.....the first goal seems more achievable....unless you are a celebrity or something

16) Any closing statements?
Everything is connected. Don't depend on this because it's inherently unpredictable. Release your white knuckled grip on time and try not to use machines whose nature you can't comprehend. Cell phones are gross. Find something you love doing that doesn't require the sacrifice of someone else's standard of living and perfect it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article, I've passed on to my network. Thank you.
Interview Questionnaire

5:41 AM  

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