Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Here is a double-faceted post about violence.

First of all, hockey is the game of my country. He shoots he scores!~!!! C'est le but!!!
It is the only profesional sport that allows fighting (besides boxing and all that shit [not convinced boxing is a sport, to me sport implies intelligence and smashing/getting smashed for the entertainment of others is not intelligent]). I am way better at verbal tangents than with mathematical ones.

My fellow countrymen are convinced that fighting is a vital part of the game. I have questioned it time and time again but people are convinced it's part of the game. I don't think it has to be. The point of hockey is to win. Winning is accomplished by sliding a cylinder of rubber into a net. So far it's lots of fun. I realize the need to protect the really talented players and approve of physical contact, but bare knuckle boxing is beyond me. The game stops, the referees wait until the fight slows down, then the players get penalties. What a waste of fucking time (in my mind). I get charged with assault if i do it in the real world. Are hockey players beyond the law?

Rotate many degrees

At what point does killing an animal stop being violence and start being food. Here is the process : Shoot animal, remove the internal organs, remove the skin, slice it into more manageable pieces, remove undesirable parts, slice into freezable parts, freeze, thaw, prepare, cook, chew, swallow, soak in stomach bile, run through intestines......I'll stop here because the rest is obvious. I think the whole thing is violent, so is decomposition.


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