Thursday, December 29, 2005

Hair alteration

Over the holidays, i have had a great time, although one dilemna has assaulted me unfailingly. Should i get a hot sexy haircut or just refuse to cut it? I know that "the man" tells me to get a haircut and blend in with the rest/pick up tonnes of hotties, but a huge part of me says fuck it, i don't care if i'm hot, i'm not cutting my goddamn hair. The idea is that not caring will somehow make everything alright.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Old friends?

Often when i meet old friends, i am amazed that they still talk to me like i'm the same person i was 4 years ago. Just because they still have pretty much the same beliefs expectations from life as they did several years ago doesn't mean i haven't changed. I am a dynamic person. I ask questions, i find answer. I ask the same question again and find a different answer. Sometimes i feel like a different race of human.

A good game to play when bored.

Well i now have a new game to play when i'm bored. You can play it too. All you need is a bit of imagination, and a taste for mind games. This game was inspired by Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. All you need to do is take a an object or idea (such as a universe, guitar, cd case, car, language etc...) and think of all the different ways of looking at it. For example, a plate of nachos could be seen by some people as each of it seperate components. Other people will look at it and see calories, trans fats, saturated fats, cholesterol. Some people will seperate the plate into "yum" and "ick". Some people will seperate it into the four food groups. Some people will seperate it into "natural" and unnatural ingredients. Some people will prefer to look at the nachos as a whole. Some people will look at it and think of how many people could be fed with that food. Some will look at the seperate ingredients and seperate it into whether or not you can grow it in your garden. Some people will try and see seperate molecules. etc...
Good Luck

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Bruce lee

Well the chronic has struck again. Sunday morning and i'm reading up on Bruce Lee. This man had some intense shit to say. For example :
"When one has reached maturity in the art, one will have a formless form. It is like ice dissolving in water. When one has no form, one can be all forms; when one has no style, he can fit in with any style."

"Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life. Do not be concerned with escaping safely - lay your life before him."

"The combatant should be alive in sparring, throwing punches and kicks from all angles, and should not be a co-operative robot. Like water, sparring should be formless. Pour water into a cup, it becomes part of the cup. Pour it into a bottle; it becomes part of the bottle. Try to kick or punch it, it is resilient; clutch it and it will yield without hesitation. In fact, it will escape as pressure is being applied to it. How true it is that nothingness cannot be confined. The softest thing cannot be snapped."

What i like most about his philosophy is how well it transcribes to pretty much anything. I really like the water theory. Infinitely adaptable, in some ways water seems like the perfect molecule.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Recipe of the week

Hello friends, i have a new favorite recipe.
2 (pork chops/portabella muschrooms preferrably 1 of each but suit yourself)
1 can of mushroom soup
1 onion
a bunch of garlic

While cooking the rice, fry everything else (except the soup) in the butter. When it is pretty cooked, mix the rice and the soup into the overall mix. Season with wine or beer or pepper or hot sauce. Eat with gusto

I just love eating this and had to post the recipe in case i forget.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Quick thought

What exactly is it that humans are building?


Here is another of my famous stories. I appeared in my brain in it's entirety while i was thinking about how to solve world poverty.

Three men fell into vesicles of an gargantuan talc crystal. The first man cried for help until someone heard and pulled him out of the hole. The second man was lucky enough to fall into a waterproof hole with enough lumber to make a raft. Coincidentally, a monsoon soaked the region and filled the hole with water allowing the man to float to safety. The third man used his bare hands to carve stairs from the crystal and walked out. During the same century the sons/daughters of these three men fell into the same holes as their predecessors. The son of the first man cried for help but no one came. He died and was absorbed into the crystal. The son of the second man found himself in a hole without sticks. Once again the monsoon soaked the region and he drowned. The son of the third man walked up the stairs that had been built by his father.

Trash vs Clothing made out of trash?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

White bands pt. 2

Picture 1: Gap advertisement or anti-poverty campaign?
This is actually a response to a comment posted on my site. I responded in a post because i wanted to put a picture in it.
Here is the link to the comment

Here is my response

Perhaps my objection isn't with the fact that people are campaigning against poverty, but with the way it's presented and advertised. The posters up at our school showed silhouettes of "cool" people wearing the bands, and text that said "wear a white band, make poverty history". If I couldn't read, I would have mistaken it for a Gap advertisement or something similar. I have checked out their website and it rubbed me the wrong way as well. Many good intentions, but not many solutions. I think it is also obvious that people have known about world poverty long before the stretchy white bands were invented and distributed.

Many people will think that buying a band is the extent of their responsibility to the rest of the world. On top of this, many people probably buy the band in hopes of gaining some sort of social status. Stopping poverty is about giving without getting anything back. To me the whole idea of paying 1$ and hoping that the world will unite and fight for a cause is delusional. The distribution of resources on the planet is way too uneven, and there is no way to organize 6 billion people. Or even 1 million. However, as I am not yet able to come up with the master plan that will solve this mess, I guess I’m being a bit of an asshole about the whole thing.

Roots of Unity

Today, while going over complex numbers, i came across a problem demanding roots of unity. This made me think a lot. There are many interesting possibilities, and I nominate my blog as one of them. Do no think this is egotistical. zzzzzzzzzzaapppp. at least part of me is hoping to spread the good word as a result of this blog. Of course the immediate afterthought of the previous statement is that i am promoting something indefinite, something i don't quite understand. Suffice to say that the idea of unity is as futile as it is beautiful.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Righteous bastards

I am beginning to think that i am an evil person or something.

Question : How does wearing a white band around your arm decrease poverty?
Answer : It doesn't, all this white band does is tell everyone around you that you are against poverty. Who the hell isn't? I think you'd find that a very small percentage of the population that would say that they support poverty and that they think it's alright that 800 million people go to bed hungry every night. I have been in some extremely poor places in central america and mexico, and can guarantee you that wearing a white ribbon around your arm in winnipeg has nothing to do with them, and is not doing anything except making you look like a self-righteous and delusional person (in my eyes).

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Try this on for size!!

Today, in my Mineralogy class, i learned a new word. Diamondiferous. Meaning: bearing or yielding diamonds. For those of you who still don't understand, it's a fairly good synonym for the lingo "blinged-out". It's this translation into rap language/ebonics that inspired me to start writing lyrics for the best geology based rap song (aka georap) ever.

more diamondiferous than a kimberlite pipe
my flow is smoother than the magma hype
after my hand lens magnifies 80 times
yo' left in the esker to thinsection my rhymes

Chorus (me asking the question, many voices respond)
Felsic? yo' quartz is too smoky
Luster? aaddddaaaamantine
Felsick? yo' quartz is too smoky
Hardness? higher than nine

more to come, possibly an audio sample too (if i can find a microphone

One divided by evolution

This a story i freestyled for Amber, who demanded a story to cure her boredom. I am well aware that this scenario is ludacris. If you don't like it, please leave comments!

At some point in time, there were 5 men who had a sacred mission from god. God blessed these men with sculpted abs and beautiful features. Together, these men formed the slutbusters. Their purpose was to promote promiscuity amongst women in a hopeless effort to increase the amount of babies being born in developed nations"

With the help of their perfect bodies and eternal each man laid with hundreds of thousands of women a day for thousands of years until eventually the whole population of humans was beautiful but retarded from incest.


As a result of this lowered cognitive capacity, humans abandoned their roost in office towers and moved into tree-based dwellings. Humans also let their hair grow and began to take the shape of their primeval ancestors. The earth became greener, genocides were lost and the sex was better than ever.

the END

Monday, December 05, 2005

Lame computer rant!!!!

All i have time to write is that I find it funny and thought-provoking that the "x" button in the top right corner of all windows programs has evolved from fufilling a simple "close" function to fufilling a "minimize into the notification area" function. Am I the only one who has noticed that having a close button that minimizes is redundant? Is this what the people want? Is it a clever trick by software companies intended to slow computers down, and keep their spyware infested programs running incognito. Is this all just a conspiracy by the hardware giants to make sure that we will need to keep upgrading our computers? It seems to me that computers are hitting their peak. Unless you are an avid gamer or someone into video rendering or other CPU intensive activities, there is not need for 1 GB ram and 6000 GB hard drives and CPU's capable of performing teraflops and other assorted nano-acrobatics. Anyways, i'll finish with some advice for everyone who is alive especially those who slice "measure twice cut once".

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Infinite adolescense?

I have just realized the full implications of my recent birthday. Being 21 makes me an adult from a quantitative point of evil (view?). Once again, the idea of measuring a human by his age fails. At this age, i'm expected to think about a career and family and all that fun stuff, but i don't any of it. I really don't want a girlfriend, i enjoy my current freedom too much. My life consists of going to school, learning about rocks and calculus, playing guitar and fiddle, flirting with any girl who is around, playing/listening/making music and abusing substances. Life is good. Couldn't ask for more! The only downfall is the absense of surf breaks around Winnipeg in the winter months.

Quotes of the post :

"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

Hunter S. Thompson