Monday, November 07, 2005


Recent studies have shown that people who have exceptional study habits are generally less creative, and generally suck at life. Industry experts have theorized that improvising at least 25% of the questions on any exam will dramatically improve ones chances of success at life in general. Apparently, in real life, you do not always have ample time to memorize every subtle nuance of the subject matter that is posing a challenge to you.

Figure 1: Relationship between study habits and ability at life. Notice the peak around 5, and the fact that having study habits between 3 and 7 makes you cool. Remember these are all logarithmic scales.

"Cramming", also known as injecting massive amounts of information into short term memory, is one of the best workouts for the core brain muscles. It forces the brain to come up with more creative algorithms which pack information more efficiently into the "cerebrum". These theories are easily expandable into other aspects of an average human’s life. For example, those who study way too much have a harder time interacting socially with friends, because this forces their brain to use the “freestyle neurons” which are inactive for long periods of time while studying. In conclusion, great philosophers have said

There once was a man from the earth

Whose studying habits had great girth

He read lots of books

Lost all of his looks

Then lost his chance at rebirth

Disclaimer: The previous study was performed by the author on himself. The poem is a limerick and might have a hidden message. ***HINT*** be flexible with your definition of "rebirth"

irony : failing an exam because you spent way too much time writing an article that encourages people not to study


Blogger mi said...

i dig the post.

personally, i dont' study up to the 10.. i may study to a 3.. maybe to a 4...

failing ur test by encouraging others to not study, priceless

11:34 PM  
Blogger mi said...

another comment:

ur description of the blog is amazing, and so is your description of yourself in your profile... but the blog title.. come on lou, i know u can do better

11:35 PM  
Blogger Louis said...

You are right, the name does need some work, i am just waiting on mr inspiration.

12:01 AM  
Blogger Louis said...

the title has been changed

10:58 AM  
Blogger mi said...

i hope i never have to fight sluts in my dreams again just to spend some time with you. lol

10:54 PM  

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