Sunday, October 30, 2005

Jesus - the mediocre hero

ahh back to my good friend jesus... Humans are supposed have infinite love for him because he sacrificed his life for our salvation. So Jesus, tired of living on this stinky, disease ridden, hateful, poorly governed and doomed ball of mostly oxygen and silicon, goes to heaven for a live full of perfection, eternity, angels and harp music . Some would say he made no sacrifice since his living conditions improved dramatically after he died. If the whole point of being a human is to earn a place in heaven, and Jesus always had a spot saved, then i CANNOT take his "sacrifice" seriously or spend any time thanking him for getting to heaven as fast as he could. hopefully some devout christians can respond to this and enlighten me...


Blogger HUSL'r said...

I'm still working on being a devout Christian, but I'd like to take a stab at your post, if I may...

Jesus didn't do what he did to rid himself of his "horrible living conditions" - he did it so that we would have the same chance. From what I've been studying in my Bible so far, the promise of salvation and the covenant God had was with his people, Israel. Meaning if you fell outside of that loop, you had no guarantees for anything beyond this life. Jesus' presence and sacrifice was to fulfill the law given to the Israelites and extend the same covenant to those that were not born of Abraham's descendants. And because Jesus gave these non-descendant's such comfort in his time, he also promised them to send the comfort of the Holy Spirit to reside in all that believes in the teachings he imparted on the world, that they may be able to do even better things here on Earth - so it's not such a horrible place to be.

Whew! Long "rant" but just wanted to share what I know and believe. Hope you get something from it...and I also wanted to say I really like your blog so far, and wil be checking in often!!!

6:03 PM  
Blogger Louis said...

Hello K High, thank you for the comment.
What concerns me is that God only gave the chance to give salvation to his son. I am convinced that under the circumstances, a surprising amount of people could have endured his pain. Some people could endure the pain without questioning the man in charge. (Father why have you forsaken me) -Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34. Overall the whole idea seems redundant. The all-powerful God wants to give his salvation to everyone so he sends his "son" to the earth to die so that people will be guilt-tripped into believing in him. Also, what is the deal with the "Father, son and Hply spirit". I thought christianity needed only one god.

3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, all.

I enjoy looking at the world in terms of context. Timing and perception = my reality, if that helps explain what I mean. Add environment in there if you need to separate it from perception.


You seem to be suggesting that given the context of Jesus' life, he was given the appropriate information and perception at the beginning of his life with which he inevitably filtered into the whole salvation deal. You are also saying that many other (human) beings, given the same information, conditions, and perception that Jesus did would have made the same choices, true?

I for one think it's entirely possible.

PS - he died at 30-something, no? It almost occurs to me you're suggesting that he would have had more street-cred if he did the whole suffering thing for a few more decades (I say this in jest).

8:35 PM  

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