Thursday, February 03, 2005

Today, i am live from Guatemala city, online to get a break from the pollution. On the chicken bus coming here today, all of a sudden my brain realized why the Bible will never cut it for me. I read it weeks ago, so i guess some algorithms in my subconscious have been going at it ever since. "For want of humor my faith was lost". There are no jokes in the bible. I even tried finding some jokes that i'd missed on google but this is the best i could come up with. Didn't even crack a smile.

I would seem to me that God in all his infinity would have a couple knee slappers in there but it's more serious, talking about death and rape and ressurection. My God needs to have fun sometimes too.

Quote of the post :"What do you believe in?" "Ha-ha, ho-ho and hee-hee."
- Sissy and The Chink in Tom Robbins' "Even Cowgirls Get The Blues"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to say that there is a pretty good reason that jokes in the Bible are few and far between* (read: non-existant). The Bible was written as a spiritual guide for humanity; something to guide the actions of people to ensure their eternal salvation. Eternity is a long time (larger even than 1 billion), and where people's souls will reside for eternity is a rather serious matter. I know that I would be more inclined to listen and take seriously direction from a rather morbid and passionate prophet than from someone like Carrot-Top. Also, God gave humans the ability to have a sense of humor, and as a result has allowed us to create our own jokes to laugh about. After all, those of us lucky enough to go to heaven will get to hear all of God's best jokes, and I'm sure he wants to save his prime material for when we get there.

3:21 PM  

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