Friday, February 03, 2006

Dangerous Comparison

In some ways, a personal blog is dangerously similar to online personals.


Blogger Oreo said...

I disagree...

In personal adds do people not lie about themselves, making themselves seem less lonely/strange/psychotic? blogs I think people really let themselves be THEMSELVES.

And I cant speak for anyone else but at least in my case I blog for MYSELF, and I think I'd actually have a problem starting a relationship with someone who reads my blog because I'd feel like they'd know *too much* about me.

I dont use my blog to advertise myself to the world...maybe to express my views, but not to sell my self....

1:03 PM  
Blogger Louis said...

It's a controversial issue, but you are right. I insists that there are certain parallel's but there are also major differences which i might have overlooked when i first posted this.

1:14 PM  
Blogger Oreo said...

What are the similarities? Putting yourself out there in an anonymous way, with the hopes of getting to know people better?

Maybe some people do write their blogs in the hopes of having someone read it and fall in love with them...

Do you do that Louis?

Ohhh here's a question...since you see everything in such scientific terms--in your eyes, does love exist?????????

1:31 PM  
Blogger Louis said...

Yes it does exists, i call it magic though. It's that thing you can't measure quantitively. Also known as quality.

I know for a fact that write my blogs to inject a bit of magic into the lives of the people.

They are similar because you are basically giving the public insight into who you are. Personals deal more with physical attributes, blogs are more about the observations you've made. Back to the science!!

1:41 PM  
Blogger Oreo said...

So magic exists in a scientists's world?

The differences I see between blogs and personal ads--

yes you maybe giving insight into who you are--but what are your reasons? To interest people/make them think, or make interest them/make them think ABOUT YOU...

if it's ALL about you, if you try to make yourself appealing to them, then it's like a personal ad. If you allow yourself to be who you are--whethere people think you're cool or a total asshole, then it's a blog...

then again, there will always be the people who LIKE you being an asshole, so then you will appeal to others, to then it would be like a blog and an add. hahaha. why am i helping you in an argument against me?

1:56 PM  
Blogger Louis said...

I think it's impossible to write a public blog without trying to appeal to the public. Everyone is looking for some approval. My intentions for writing a blog are mostly to have fun and interact with people in a way that doesn't happen anywhere else. Thanks for helping with the debate,, i don't know what iwould have done without you ;)

2:05 PM  
Blogger Oreo said...

Ok I agree that bloggers try to appeal to the public, BUT not all in the 'personal ad' kinda way.

And though I share your intentions in blogging, I'd also add in the mere joy of speaking--whethere to an audience or not--what is on my mind...

and I suppose that is the main difference between blogs and ads. I dont care if people dont respond to my blogs...but if I put an ad out, I'd feel rejected if I never heard back from anyone....

2:24 PM  
Blogger mi said...

louis, i think your blog has turned into instant messaging.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Louis said...

it's's ALIVE

10:58 PM  
Blogger KateOnTheGo said...

Ummm... yes. I confess. I search randomly through blogs, day in day out, looking for a soul mate.


Except all I seem to randomly come across is naked women blogs or blogs that are trying to secretly sell weapons.


2:24 AM  

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