Sunday, September 24, 2006

Truth....three lines at a time

After bottling his sanity
he sold it
to the pope

Rich and Stupid
She couldn't be
less appealing

Glittering and savage
her animal lust
charges the darkness

Paralyzed by comfort
was replaced by growth

When he reaches critical mass
no one knows
what will happen

Exposing hypocrisy doesn't make you a moral person

Dog trying to be stern but coming across as cute.

It's true, everyone loves to criticize, but no one seems to have a better idea. Furthermore, is hypocrisy always a bad thing? Of course it isn't, hypocrisy like many other things depends on context. It's also something that is necessary if we want to include language in our life. So often we are unable to express ourselves completely and our message is lost .....wait

that was complete bullshit i'm sorry, for further information check the wikipedia article about hypocrisy

Road signs in heaven

Monday, September 18, 2006

Is there any gain in debating the varying quality of silence?

"Silence is not an absence, necessarily. It can also be a fertile void. Silence can be listened to. And as there are no hills without valleys, so the high level noise we call music needs the low level noise we call silence to achieve it's full effect."

-Oliver Schroer

Personally, i have to get out of urban areas to find the kind of silence which is rich enough to be satisfying. Silence is not a normal state of mind for a city or for those who are addicted to the convenience and comfort of a city.

Nature taking over

"Living constantly inside an environment of our own invention we are essentially living inside our own minds"

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Quit fooling yourself

Q: What animal would you be if you could be an animal?
A: You already are an animal

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Failure to Achieve

"big fucking deal...overcoming adversity is pretty normal for everything that has ever lived....failure to do so is the common trait of everything that has ever died"

Eat a banana [banana propaganda]

Yellow and Delicious
Just waiting
To replenish my potassium

that's right, have a banana. It'll give you something to do.