Monday, February 20, 2006

Evil twin? Alignment?

First of all, i would like to thank afxtwin for sending me the picture of my twin. This is my first encounter with someone that looks a lot like me. Check it out (i am the bigger picture)

After the initial shock i thought this dude looked like my evil twin. This was quickly overruled when i realized that i'm not that [good]. This made me think about Role Playing Games, where you get to pick your characters alignment before you start the game. Here is a short summary of the options, followed by a poll as to which alignment applies to Louis

Good vs. Evil

Good characters and creatures protect innocent life. Evil characters and creatures debase or destroy innocent life, whether for fun or profit.

"Good" implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others.

"Evil" implies a lack of concern for others, and in extreme cases hurting, oppressing, and killing others. Some evil creatures simply have no compassion for others and kill without qualms if doing so is necessary or convenient to their goals. Others are actively malicious, killing for sport or out of duty to some evil deity or master.

People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others. Neutral people are generally committed to others by personal relationships rather than by a general sense of moral obligation.

Law vs. Chaos

Lawful characters tell the truth, keep their word, respect authority, honor tradition, and judge those who fall short of their duties.

Chaotic characters follow their consciences, resent being told what to do, favor new ideas over dogma, and do what they promise if they feel like it.

"Law" implies honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority, and reliability. On the downside, lawfulness can include close-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, judgmentality, and a lack of adaptability. Those who consciously promote lawfulness say that only lawful behavior creates a society in which people can depend on each other and make the right decisions in full confidence that others will act as they should.

"Chaos" implies freedom, adaptability, and flexibility. On the downside, chaos can include recklessness, resentment toward legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Those who promote chaotic behavior say that only unfettered personal freedom allows people to express themselves fully and lets society benefit from the potential that its individuals have within them.

Someone who is neutral with respect to law and chaos has a normal respect for authority and feels neither a compulsion to obey nor a compulsion to rebel. He is honest but can be tempted into lying or deceiving others.

There is the basic overview, try to take it out of the game context and apply it to people.
Which alignment am I.
Free polls from


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm actually kind of interested in meeting your stunt-double... is he just some dude who happens to look like the real deal, or could your parents be withholding a potentially life-altering secret from you? you can bet that i will be following Maury closely for the next little while...

10:47 PM  
Blogger mi said...

louis. i told u earlier, but here i tell you again.

i like you better :)

4:01 PM  
Blogger Louis said...

Oh yah! i am really cute

11:55 PM  

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